Lost Souls


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Issue Six    Winter Chills Issue    January 2005

The editor takes a break from tinkling the ivories to finish off the mag!

In the dark of a cold winter’s night, the long, slender, icy fingers of the season claw their way around your spine, sending shivers to the very marrow.

The sun may break through the clouds during the day and give a brief respite from the chill.

Lovers may cling to each other for warmth in front of a well-stacked log fire when nightime arrives.

While outside, who’s to say there are not night creatures ripping and tearing your neighbourhood apart? Draining the blood of the living and eating of their flesh?

Still, while that’s going on outside, why not take your mind off things a little, by reading these collected tales of fictional terrors, as yet unreal, mere dreams of what might be, one day …

One day …


David Barton


January 2005

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